
training notes (01/03/2024)

i don't think i performed as well today. why am i scared? it's just sport.


training session: round one

  • training coach literally woke up and chose violence i think
  • how much RUNNING
  • our team did talk tactics w/ gameday coach though which i think is super important! idk i think it's just important that we do put focus on the things we can do better SO THAT we can improve. like. actively improve. bringing them up in a formalish setting paves the way for that and i think that's really important
  • another new girl! she plays a lot of centre and goal attack and she's quite good at both too :) lovely new addition! (hawthorn rendition.... idk man. who. who is our goal-kicking mid. do we even have one. we'll find out, as we should)
  • i feel like how i think jake stringer feels in a contract year. excluding the not-really-trying the rest of the time. i think i might have a lot of pressure to get good game time. or i don't. maybe I'm just making it up for the sake of football. idk
  • they introduced this new rule where you can now sub players during quarters. it's..... its gonna be weird lol. you can only do it after goals are scored (and it doesn't matter which team scores) and there's some other parameters (if you're coming on you need to be near the scorers, only players can signal for a rolling sub, etc). obviously time-outs are still a thing because injuries shouldn't wait for a goal to be scored (seething about last year but not)
  • idk. i need better socks though the ones i wore today were way too loose dfkjnsal

  • carn netbol